Give Yourselves a Break!

My Last Post...
was 3 years ago!

How is that for consistency?  The old me would get down on myself for shutting down such an important part of me.  I love to write!  So why don't I?'s high time we all give ourselves a little break and look at the big full and colorful pictures our lives are.  I haven't been particularly good at blogging and writing and sharing recently because... I have been raising 4 boys,  2 dogs and several chickens...while trying to be a good wife, make dinners, get laundry done, keep kids active and engaged in learning, keep a tidy house, run a design business and sometimes even show up or plan one of my kids class parties at school.  I've been BUSY! I've been busy loving, learning, growing, re-learning and doing whateer I can so my house doesn't burn down.

That's why!! This post is permission to give yourselves a break. 


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