The LOVE project

ok it's Thursday...

I just got done with a quick yoga session and ended it on a prayer and meditation.  After which I jumped into the steamer to process the jumbled ideas that were racing through my head.  Thoughts came flooding in so fast and furious I am writing this post in a robe and towel wrapped around my dripping hair.  I was worried I would lose the insight I gained during this meditation. This project has been streaming in and out of my consciousness for years and its elusiveness has kept me from acting.  It's time to break it down and start the process.

First.... I'm feeling this project will last a year.  We are just finishing up 2014 and the new year is approaching quickly.  If I don't get my act together another year will come and go and the gentle nudges seemingly from the heavens will go unanswered. I am a mother of 4 boys and they are my life blood, my energy, my soul.  I am so grateful for them and what they teach me every day.... usually it's PATIENCE.  I pray for it always as I listen to long drawn out stories of something funny that another kid said at school (funny for the kids not so much me), watching another kendama move mastered, reading with my child who is dyslexic, asking them repeatedly to do their chores, do their homework, practice soccer, attend their scouting meetings and follow through with whats been asked of them by all their teachers, leaders, and coaches.  All these things are important to them so they are important to me.

 I hand my children over to their school teachers for 6 hours a day, then I hand them over to church leaders (sometimes reluctantly....I'm unsure about the whole organized religion thing), sports coaches, and tutors (for my child with dyslexia).  They come home..... we eat dinner..... do homework and they go to bed.  How much really am I teaching them?  Do my children know how to love without boundaries and borders? Because that is what I would teach them...... Do my children know how to serve?  Because those you serve you love.  Do my children know how very special their little voices can be?  How much of a difference they personally can make in other peoples lives?  I'm not sure..... I don't have very many hours in the day to show them that.  I'm running like a mad woman just as they are...

2015 will be a year where I follow through with these gentle nudges, these abstract Ideas, this unorthodox way of teaching my children what I want them to be prepared with as they go out into the shining world and start their own lives.  I know it sounds cliche but "Our children are our future, teach them well and let THEM lead the way." as Whitney Houston so brilliantly taught us in the early 90's.

I will be taking on social issues with love.  Serving others, and finding ways to show my kids that with love in your heart ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  So, I will bring my children along (and any of you who would like to join.)  We will document our journey and see how this social LOVE experiment goes.  My intention is to see this project in the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. ( keep in mind....I have no idea how long it takes to film and edit a documentary, or how much it costs.)  This hurdle has kept me from doing anything for years so....I'm going to TRUST it will and can work it's self out.

Now let me be totally transparent here.  I have no idea how I'm going to make this happen. All I know is the direction I'm going.  I will throw caution and LOVE at the wind and we'll see where this takes us.

My intention with this love project isn't just to teach my kids.... I'd also like shine a spotlight on organizations and people who are already on the ground making a difference.

We will be taking on learning disabilities.  I would like to interview several local schools and see what their needs are and what resources they have access to for our children.  What measures do they have in place for these students?  1 in 4 students has a learning disability and MOST go un-diagnosed. Children learn to hide, act, and fumble through school when in actuality they could thrive with a little assistance and awareness.  I want to spread the word to these kids that there is hope, and assistance. Obviously this issue is close to my heart.  I have a child that was just diagnosed with dyslexia.  Last night he told me he'd rather be a worm than go to school.  He cried and cried to have to do his nightly reading and told me he was the dumbest kid in his class. It broke my heart.   It is urgent to me as a parent knowing that there are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of kids in similar situations through out the world and they don't know their worth.  It's being measured a certain way in schools and their strengths are being forgotten or unnoticed.  (Opportunities for service will be available).


Child obesity and nutrition.  This is a huge gigantic topic.  It's an important one and one we should handle with so much gentleness and care.  We will be shining a spotlight on healthcare organizations, and programs that teach children how to become healthy eaters and active adults.  (Opportunities for service will be available).


Homelessness.  Homeless men, women, and children is an epidemic.  There is one homeless person in particular that is near and dear to my little brother.  We will be tackling substance abuse this month and the affects that it has on our brains and abilities to function.   I will be interviewing my little brother through out the month. Not all homeless people are alcoholics and drug attics.  I just watched on The TODAY show this morning a segment on children that are homeless.  It both broke my heart and melted it all at once.  There is SO much we could be doing locally to help those in need.  Of coarse there will be several service projects and opportunities to serve this month.  So, be sure to check in with me.


We'll be traveling to Haiti to work at a friends orphanage and home for impoverished Haitian children.  This month we will raise funds and supplies for this organization and spend time serving those in need.









The rest of the months are open to ideas from those of you who would like to get involved.  I have several friends that have non-profit organizations that they support or have started.  I want to hear from you.  Maybe this can be one big divine collaboration!  I'd love that.

If you find yourselves reading this...and you feel like you have an inner stirring to get, assist, donate (time, money, resources, knowledge) contact me.  I'd love to hear from you.




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